DIY Tattoo Mat

It’s WoW Wednesday today on the blog, and I have a very cute WoW indeed! Debbie from Debbiedoo’s blog created this adorable and easy tattoo mat for her bedroom! I am in love. Debbie blogs about some really great things. She likes to share low-cost DIY projects and decorating ideas.

Pic courtesy of Debbiedoo's
Pic courtesy of Debbiedoo’s

I think I am going to head out and find myself a mat so I can make one for my back door! You, however, head on over and see just how she did it here!

Great job, Debbie! Here’s your award

The Adored Home

If you want to see other WoW Wednesday projects, just jump on over here!

Do you have a WoW project you would like me to see or feature? Head over the Facebook page and let me know all about it!

Until next time,

Enjoy your day, your family, and your home ❤


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